恋爱学分 Starter for Ten

Starter for Ten

Brian’s Mom: "The people who really care about you don’t mind if you make mistakes. It’s what you do next that matters. And if you can’t see that, then you’re not as smart as I thought you are."

Brain: "I admit it I’ve made some mistakes. Okey, some big mistakes. Loads of them. But you can’t hide in your room forever, feel sorry for yourself. It’s not practical. At some point you’ve got to get back out there face up to things and confront your demons."

"And yes, I’ve made some bad choices, lost my head, let people down, people I care for. But there still might be time to get something right."

"Ever since I can remember, I wanted to be clever. Some poeple are born clever, the same way some people are born beautiful. I’m not one of those people. I’m gonna have to work at it, put in the effort. And if I mess it up, I’ll learn from it. Besides, sometimes it’s not about knowing the right answer. Sometimes it’s about asking the right question. "

或多或少有自己的影子,Growing Pains


1 Responses to 恋爱学分 Starter for Ten

  1. arrowpig说道:

